Providing dream homes for rabbits in need.
We’ve been rescuing, fostering, adopting, and educating people about rabbits in need in the STL area since late 2020.
Meet Dolly, Our Rescue’s Namesake!
She lives hoppily with the rescue’s founder, Katie, alongside her siblings Elvis, Bunny Holly, and her husbun Kenny Rogers.
Prior to rescue, she spent six years in a small wire cage as a meat breeder. She was forced to have litter after litter of bunnies who would grow up to be butchered. Her name for those years was just “Rabbit.” She had never been indoors or known the comfort of having a safe, soft place to rest. Once rescued, she was immediately given a stuffed pink teddy bear which she still grooms and carries everywhere.
She is the inspiration behind the rescue and namesake of both Dolly’s Dream Home Rabbit Rescue and Dolly's Dream Store - a bunny supply store in St. Charles, Missouri but you can also shop it online here. Proceeds benefit the bunnies.
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Why do bunnies need a rabbit-specific rescue?
Rabbits are exotic pets, meaning not everyone specializes in the care of rabbits. Having a rescue specific to rabbits means that these animals will get the specific care and love they need while leaving more room for other animals in shelters. You can help support our exotic little friends here.
The Dolly's Difference
The Dolly's Difference -

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