Adoption is a Privilege

At Dolly’s, we want to remind everyone that nobody is entitled to one of our rescue bunnies.

Adopting a rescued bunny is not a right, but a privilege.

Our adoption process is carefully designed to ensure our rabbits find the most loving and suitable forever families, where they'll receive the care and attention they deserve. Just because you want a specific bunny really badly does not mean that you are the best fit for that bunny.

We prioritize the well-being of our bunnies, striving to match them with families based on their needs and compatibility. Adoption isn't automatic or about who applied first; it's about finding the perfect match for both the bunny and the adopter.

We appreciate everyone's interest and love for these little guys.

Our policies are in place for the bunnies and we will never adopt out a bunny to an unsuitable home just because a potential adopter is begging, trying to manipulate their way into having a specific bunny, or believes they deserve a specific bunny.

Thank you for supporting our responsible adoption practices.


Make Time


Rule of 3’s