Toxic Houseplants

We’ve been getting a lot of calls recently about bunnies who have eaten toxic houseplants.

How can you make sure your bunny stays safe and doesn’t eat any poisonous greenery? Easy, put all houseplants out of your buns reach.

Not only could some plants be toxic to rabbits, but the pesticides and the fertilizer could be significantly more harmful than even the plant itself.

Here’s a list of 10 common indoor plants that are dangerous for bunnies. This list is by no means comprehensive, but these plants should be put out of reach:

1. Aloe Vera

2. Golden Pothos

3. Rubber Plant

4. Lilies

5. Ivy

6. Tomato Plants

7. Asparagus Ferns

8. Basically any flowers with bulbs

9. Philodendron

10. Monsteras

If you’re concerned your bunny has eaten a dangerous plant, contact your vet or the emergency vet immediately.

Pictured is the bunflower - they only bloom once a year and for 2 minutes before they get too wiggly and the petals fall off.


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