Rabbits & Chickens

Rabbits should not live with chickens.

Firstly, their dietary needs differ significantly, with rabbits requiring a high-fiber diet, while chickens need more protein. Co-habiting will lead to nutritional imbalances for both animals. Also, lots of chicken feed is corn based which rabbits cannot physically process.

Secondly, rabbits are prey animals, and chickens' pecking behavior might cause undue stress or even injuries to rabbits. Rabbits might become anxious and hide, affecting their overall well-being. We’ve seen chickens peck out rabbits eyes for the moisture.

Additionally, both species have distinct housing requirements. Rabbits need secure enclosures to protect them from predators, while chickens need a coop for roosting and nesting.

Lastly, diseases like coccidia can spread between rabbits and chickens, posing health risks for both. Keeping them separate ensures their individual health and safety are better maintained.

There is absolutely no reason to keep your rabbits living with your chickens. Would you allow a hamster and a snake to live in the same enclosure? Would you allow a goldfish and a canary to live in the same enclosure?

This has been a message from our Bunny Safety Officer, Coconut. Good job buddy.


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