Cedar Shavings

Recently, we’ve been seeing a lot of posts where people are using cedar shavings for rabbit litter.

We do NOT recommend this - let us tell you why.

Cedar wood is one of the most dangerous for rabbits. It contains saturated phenols, oils, and plicatic acid, that cause liver damage in bunnies when inhaled.

It not only can significantly harm their liver enzymes, but makes them metabolize drugs - such as anesthetic - differently. A big danger should your bunny ever need medical care.

The compounds found in cedar shavings have been known to cause respiratory diseases in mice, allergic reactions in dogs, and are loosely thought have a link to cancer in rats.

Instead of cedar litter, use kiln dried hardwood pellets from Menards/Lowes/a farm store, Carefresh, or recycled paper pellets.

Bunny Safety Officer, Coconut, says that this is VERY important information and politely asks you to share. Coconut hopes this information can help other bunnies like him!


Lop Health Issues


No Candles, Air Freshener, or Essential Oils